Your DJ's Equipment: Does It Matter?

From an outside view, you may think your DJ is just pushing play on a song. We’ve all seen those videos of big name DJs even fake DJing with a prerecorded mix. Or maybe you’ve been to a “classic” midwest wedding where the DJ is dressed like a magician and the speakers are covered in felt and duct tape. 

When it comes to your wedding or event, does any of this even matter? 

Short answer: Yes!

Your DJ’s equipment is a reflection of the professional experience you will get. A top tier mobile DJ company stays up to date with the most recent sound, lights, and microphones. As technology continuously improves, the level of quality of sound, mics, and lighting does too. Top of the line equipment means that your party will look modern and sound impeccable. You deserve to have a microphone that won’t cut out on you during speeches, and lighting that enhances the energy of the night. Now, this isn’t to say that equipment makes the DJ, but it reflects the level of dedication to the craft and the experience you should expect. 

GenNOW uses all state of the art QSC K Series active speakers, Shure microphones, and Chauvet Brand lighting.

But what about all those buttons the DJ is pressing? Do those even do anything? 

When it comes to the turntables + mixer your DJ is using, it’s much more open ended. A good DJ can rock any equipment - turntables, CDJs, controllers. After all, it’s really all about selection and timing. This comes with experience. But, if your DJ shows up with a laptop or rack mount CD player and nothing else, you can expect a dated wedding DJ experience. Having the right equipment to mix, blend, and scratch the music is a necessary tool of the trade that your DJ should take pride in. Trust us - if you go ask your DJ about the gear, they’ll probably chat your ear off.

GenNOW DJs are all doing this because they have the experience and the passion to learn the craft and devote themselves to collecting all the right music for your event. Our DJs don’t grab a company laptop prior to an event and show up with set playlists. They stay ever-diligently up to date on music and know their libraries inside and out. More-over, our DJs are all selected because of their skills and mixing and scratching. The difference of experience we offer is second to none. Interested in finding out more? Hit us up! Or, check out our reviews.